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19- Karagöl T., Karagöl A. Self-Association Among Soluble Splice Isoforms of Glutamate Transporters Uncovered by Integrative Multi-Omics and Molecular Dynamics (in prep)

18- Karagöl T., Karagöl A. Evolutionary Asymmetry in Membrane Protein Residues: Large-Scale Structural Analysis and Complete Mutational Landscape of 1022 known RCSB Entries (To be submitted in Sept 2024)

17- Karagöl T., Karagöl A. Kernel Regression and Stochastic Dominance Analysis Unveil Asymetric Residue-wise Evolutionary Dynamics of Coagulation Factors F9 and F8 (To be submitted in Nov 2024)

16- Johnsson F., Karagöl T., Karagöl A., Zhang S. (2024). Structural bioinformatics studies of olfactory receptors, TAAR9and their AlphaFold3 predicted water-soluble QTY variants and odorant binding. QRB Discovery (Submitted)

15- Akash S., Karagöl T., Karagöl A., Zhang S. Structural bioinformatics of bacterial integral alpha-helical membrane enzymes and their AlphaFold2 predicted water-soluble QTY variants. Molecular Simulation (To be submitted in Sept 2024)

14- Karagöl T., Karagöl A., Zhang S. (2024). Structural bioinformatics and evolutionary studies of synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2 family members, synaptophysin, synaptogyrins, and their AlphaFold3 predicted water-soluble QTY variants. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design (Submitted)

13- Karagöl T., Karagöl A.. Adaptation to Solvent Environment in Toll-like Receptor 5: A Comparative Evolutionary Analysis of Membrane-bound and Soluble Forms in Epinephelus coioides. Journal of Molecular Evolution (Submitted)

12- Karagöl T., Karagöl A.. (2024) Comparative genomic analysis on glutamate transporters revealed evolutionary landscape and splicing plasticity of truncated isoforms. Human Genetics (Submitted)

11- Karagöl, T., & Karagöl, A. (2024). An Evolutionary Statistics Toolkit for Simplified Sequence Analysis on Web with Client-Side Processing. bioRxiv, 2024-08. doi:


10- Karagöl T., Karagöl A., Zhang S. (2024) Molecular Dynamic simulations reveal that water-soluble QTY-variants of glutamate transporters EAA1-3 retain the conformational characteristics of native transporters. Pharmaceutical Research (Under revision)

9- Karagöl T., Karagöl A., Li M., Zhang S. (2024) Inhibitory effects of the truncated isoforms on glutamate transporter oligomerization revealed by the analysis of gene-centric isoform maps. Pharmaceutical Research (Submitted)

8- Karagöl T., Karagöl A., Zhang S. (2024) Structural bioinformatics studies of serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine transporters and their AlphaFold2 predicted water-soluble QTY variants and uncovering the natural mutations of L->Q, I->T, F->Y and Q->L, T->I and Y->F. PL0S ONE  PMCID: PMC10959339

7- Karagöl et. al. A genomic and structural analysis provides enhanced insights into molecular mechanisms of hemophilia B. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis. (Under review, Aug 2023)

6- Perkins S.J, Karagöl T., Karagöl A., Spencer H. Factor IX Variant Database 2024 version: Genetic variants in the human coagulation factor 9 as a service for clinicians and biochemists. © Copyright 2003-2023, Structural Immunology Group, University College London (2003- 2024) (To be published in 2024)

5- Taner Karagöl, Alper Karagöl, Eva Smorodina, & Shuguang Zhang. (2023) Structural bioinformatics studies of glutamate transporters and their AlphaFold2 predicted water-soluble QTY variants and uncovering the natural mutations of L->Q, V->T, F->Y and vice versa. PLoS ONE. PMCID: PMC11006163

4- European Medical Student Association Medical Science Small Working Group (2020). Medical Science 101 Booklet (2020), EMSA Medical Science European Medical Student Association. Available at: 

3- COVID-19 Information Project (COVID-19 Bilgi Seferberliği Projesi), as Volunteer Translator, Available at:

2- Karagöl, T. and Karagöl, A.  (2018). Multipl sklerozun olası tedavisi için in silico makromolekül dizaynı ve hesaplamalı analizi. [In silico macromolecule design and computational analysis for possible treatment of multiple sclerosis.], [online] Available at:

▪In silico macromolecule design and competition analysis for treatment of multiple sclerosis

▪The disease was researched using DNA sequence analysis tools and molecular docking analysis, homology modelling was used.

1- Karagöl, A. and Karagöl, T. (2017). Multiple Skleroz Hastalığının Araştırılmasında Moleküler Modellemenin Kullanımı [Utilization of molecular modeling in Multiple Sclerosis research], [TUBITAK 2204 Project]

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