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  • Writer's pictureTaner Karagol

The "Science Side" of London

During my long stay in London, I discovered a thriving science scene that might not be immediately apparent to everyone. This city, known for its rich history and vibrant culture, also offers a wealth of opportunities for scientific exploration and intellectual growth. The city's scientific institutions and events play a crucial role in promoting a culture where curiosity, inquiry, and free thinking are cherished.

One of my first stops was the Royal Society, a place steeped in centuries of scientific tradition and innovation. Walking through its halls, I was struck by the profound contributions of scientific pioneers like Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin. The Natural History Museum was another highlight of my time in London. The sheer scale of the museum, with its millions of specimens, was awe-inspiring. Every corner of the museum was filled with wonder and discovery. The UCL museums were a delightful surprise also.

Canary Wharf
Canary Wharf, London

Attending a Darwin Lecture was one of the most intellectually stimulating experiences of my stay. The discussion on natural selection, adaptation, and the ongoing impact of Darwin’s theories was both enlightening and thought-provoking. It was a profound experience that left me with a deeper understanding of the intricacies of evolution.

My time in London was a rich tapestry of scientific exploration, where each experience -from visiting historic institutions like the Royal Society to attending enlightening lectures-contributed to my understanding and appreciation of scientific discovery.

The most important takeaway from my visit is this: While enjoying London's rich cultural and historical offerings, don't overlook its vibrant science side!

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