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  • Writer's pictureTaner Karagol

Addressing Complex Challenges in Turkey's Evolutionary Science

In the field of evolutionary science in Turkey; a thorough examination is needed to understand the potential impact of antisemitism alongside challenges posed by anti-Darwinism. Delving into the combined negative influence of these factors within the community is crucial for creating an environment that encourages scientific knowledge.


Antisemitism myths within Turkish scientific discourse introduce bias and misinformation; distorting evaluations of research outcomes involving scientists of Jewish descent and researchers collaborating with Jewish-led institutions. Dispelling these myths is not only a moral imperative, but also essential for upholding the principles of unbiased research evaluation, fostering an environment where researchers, irrespective of their background, can collaborate effectively.


Simultaneously, the influence of anti-Darwinism poses a significant challenge to collaboration. The consequences of this bigotry are far-reaching. It discourages collaboration with international researchers, hindering the cross-pollination of knowledge. Turkey's scientific community is part of a broader network on the global stage, and these hindrances could impact its standing. The collaborative remedy lies in a collective commitment to scientific integrity with unbiased research evaluation and the promotion of evidence-based principles.


By actively combating antisemitism myths and fostering an environment that values collaboration, Turkish science can break free from the misinformation, ensuring a future where it thrives on diversity, innovation, and also global cooperation.

Note: You can also check this post written by Alper Karagöl.

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